We Do NOT Support Fast Fashion
April is a special month for us at Meadow Collective for a lot of reasons. But the main two are Earth Day and Fashion Revolution. As a boutique that sources sustainable fashion and gifts from sustainable brands like Spell, Indah, and Nine Lives Bazaar as well as local artisans, we’re trying to do our part to bring awareness to the horrors of the fast fashion industry.
You may think the top you ordered from Shein or that dress you got from Zara is super cute and affordable, but it does have a bigger cost than the one you’re seeing on the price tag. Fast fashion as an industry creates massive amounts of pollution, and not only that, but it promotes unfair and unethical working conditions. Think about this: the fashion industry is estimated to produce about 10% of global emissions (that’s as much as the European Union). That’s why we support Fashion Revolution and are doing our part to promote and support sustainable fashion made by workers working in fair and safe conditions.
Fashion Revolution was created in the wake of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh. On April 24, 2013, over 1,100 people were killed and more than 2,500 injured in a building collapse in the textile district of Savar Upazila, Bangladesh. Some well-known brands like Zara, Walmart, and Mango have factories in the Rana Plaza. Shortly after, two activists, Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro mobilized to create what is now the largest fashion activism movement.
How do we support Fashion Revolution?
We support Fashion Revolution by educating our customers and social media followers on why choosing sustainable brands is best. One of the most common complaints I get about items in my shop is the cost, and I understand. If you’re used to purchasing items at a fast fashion price, it can be a bit jarring. But when you’re shopping for the brands I carry, you know you’re getting quality items that will last for years. How many times did you buy something from a fast fashion brand to wear it once before it breaks or rips? That doesn’t happen with a dress, top, or anything from Spell or any other brand I carry. The cost reflects the quality of the items you’re buying.
When you buy a high-quality sustainably-made piece, you’re making an investment in your style. Sure, trends are fun to follow, but they go out of fashion quickly. It’s better to curate and cultivate your own unique style that lasts throughout the years. Ask yourself why exactly are you buying that sparkly Shein top, you’re only going to wear once. It’s going to end up going in the landfill eventually, and in the meantime, all it’s doing is cluttering your closet. It may be me, but I’d rather have a high-quality piece that was made by workers who were treated fairly than the latest trend made by workers who were underpaid, overworked, and working in unsafe conditions.
How do we support Earth Day?
Just with Fashion Revolution, we support Earth Day through our own mission at Meadow Collective. I love fashion, and I love our planet. I’ve figured out how to combine my passions for both of them by offering sustainably made items by brands that invest in sustainable practices and give back to the Earth. A lot of the brands I carry have net-zero goals they plan on reaching in the next 50 years, and I’m doing my own small part to promote these brands over fast fashion and do what I can to take care of my section of the Earth. I’m not saying you should try to live off the land or become a recycling fanatic, but maybe next time you go to the grocery store, bring a reusable bag. Maybe try making a little herb garden in your backyard/windowsill/etc. Maybe unfollow fast fashion brands because every time you buy from them you’re voting with your dollars, and that vote supports pollution and unfair working conditions for garment workers. If anything, I hope this post at least takes up a little real estate in your everyday thoughts and reminds you to appreciate the Earth we have while we still have it.
One of my favorite places in the world. I hope it stays clean and healthy for a long time.