What It Feels Like To Be a Small Business Owner
What It feels like to be a small business owner…
Brainstorming with my little team my girl thought it was a good idea for me to write a blog post about what it feels like to be a small business owner. I thought… yes what a great idea. I thought about it. I was thinking about all these great empowering feelings. That feeling I feel when I flick on my lights in the morning and everything just feels so good. I was thinking about how far I’ve come and all I’ve overcome and then the reality of the week happened and this is how it went…
Shopping small really does have a big impact!
First… My A.C broke. Then, my girl who I least expected gave her two weeks’ notice. Then I got a notice from Pinecrest that I could not put anything outside my shop anymore, something that brings in new clients and lets my customers know I am there. The week went on… the internet broke so I spent the day trying to get that fixed, had to pay sales tax, rent, payroll, the electric bill, and invoices due. Sometimes employees are sick and everything will always fall on you.
Sometimes, it feels like the system is set up to keep the small business owner down. You have to be tough, full of grit, and very adaptable.
But then there are days filled with crazy amounts of overwhelming love and joy. From all the connections and friendships that have formed as well as those days when sales are so good that I can’t even believe myself. I’ve even had days that I cry because I work so hard. I struggle so much and for so long, and to be honest, sometimes I’m not even sure why.
Meadow Collective, we love our little shop!
It’s really not the money… even though it is the money cause its business. And it is the money that makes you feel the success of your hard work but it’s the whole picture for me. Sometimes I can’t even believe that just me, one person who created this entire community.
When the husbands come on holidays, when the kids are playing on the floor, the outpouring of love my shop community gave me when I lost Nala… these things are not the money. These things are deeper. And maybe it’s these things those deeper things that make us small businesses such important pieces of communities. I do not want to envision a future that is only big business corporate America. Cause the true heart and soul of this county lies in the small stuff.
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