5 Best Christmas Gifts
Gifts Katelin Stecz Gifts Katelin Stecz

5 Best Christmas Gifts

The holidays are coming up, and we’re super excited over at the shop! This is easily one of my favorite times of the year. But sometimes I forget how quickly the season comes up! So, to help streamline your Christmas shopping, we’ve selected some cute, easy gifts for all the gals in your life.

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Meadow's Guide to Healing Crystals
Self Care Katelin Stecz Self Care Katelin Stecz

Meadow's Guide to Healing Crystals

I’ll be the first person to admit that the idea of healing crystals seems a little “New Age” and too mystical to be true. I mean when I think of healing crystals, I think about candy-colored bowls of rose quartz, amethyst, and citrine. Aesthetic Pinterest accounts full of monochromatic gems.

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Meadow’s Guide To Saging
Self Care Katelin Stecz Self Care Katelin Stecz

Meadow’s Guide To Saging

If you’ve ever been to a farmer’s market or scrolled through the depths of Pinterest’s yoga community, I’m sure you’ve seen someone waving around a smoking bundle of burning flowers and sticks. And I’m sure you stopped and wondered, “What is that?” and “What are they doing?”

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