How to Enjoy the Little Things in Life: Our Favorite Candles

I think a common theme on this blog is trying to find small ways to cope with the everyday. Sometimes, life can be super stressful. I know for me, with my family, the shop, and the millions of other things I have going, it feels like I’m drowning, like I can never catch up to everything. And I know this is a pretty common feeling. Everyone gets overwhelmed by life sometimes, so I thought I’d share some of the things that keep me going. 

When life gets too much, I try to focus on the little things that bring me joy: a walk in the park, eating one of my favorite meals, rollerskating, unwrapping new shipments to the shop, the smell of a nice candle. It’s these little things that keep me going amidst all the chaos. And I know it sounds ridiculous, but those are really the things that keep me sane…especially with the holiday season coming up. 

So in an effort to share some peace, I thought I’d share some of my favorite candles from the shop. I know a candle isn’t going to solve anyone’s problems…unless you just cooked Brussels sprouts and can’t get rid of the smell, but I think it’s something small that can help take your mind off of all the crazy of everyday life. It’s a reminder that you need to take time for yourself to enjoy the little things even when life is moving 5,000 miles per hour. It’s a little aromatherapy self care, and it’s a reminder to stop and smell the roses…literally. 

Golden Hour Sunset Candle  

I can’t really describe the scent of this candle, but I know how it makes me feel. Imagine you’ve been at the beach all day, playing in the waves. You’re tired, a little sunburnt, but it’s been the best day ever. Now, the sun is coming down, and everything is painted in an orangey-golden glow. Everyone you love most in the world is there with you, smiling and laughing. You can still smell your tanning lotion. The sun creeps down little by little, but you’re not sad about the day ending because you know tomorrow will be just like this. 

That’s the best description I can give you of this candle because that’s how it makes me feel, like I’m back in Costa Rica with my family, spending countless days on the beach in the sun. This candle lasts about 50-60 hours, and it’s made with 100% soy wax. Use it when you feel stressed and you need a little reminder about what really matters in life. 

Aromatherapy for stress and anxiety

Sunny days in Costa Rica, the best feeling ever

Blue Lagoon and Coconut Candle by Simper Goods  

There’s something about the smell of coconut that just puts me at ease. It helps me remember my best times and puts me back in the present. This candle combines a sweet coconut fragrance with notes of seagrass, freshly-cut papaya, salty ocean mist, and just a tinge of mango. It’s tropical and beachy. It’s exactly what you want your house to smell like. It’s what you want to smell like. I know if this was a body spray, I’d wear it every day. You can enjoy this candle for around 50 hours, and rest easy knowing that its fragrances are phthalate free.

The best calming candles

Tropical, vacation vibes all day long

Everglades Candle  

If the Golden Hour candle reminded me of my life in Costa Rica, then this candle reminds me of my life here, of growing up in a less developed Miami, playing in the mangroves, camping in the Everglades, eating oranges in the backyard with my sister. It’s a mixture of nostalgia and home. This candle is light and refreshing, but it also has a hint of something special that transports me to the Everglades, maybe it’s the neroli—the scent of the sweet white flowers that bloom on orange trees before they fruit. Or maybe, it’s the bergamot—a deep citrus scent that contrasts with the sweetness of the neroli. Whatever it is, it reminds me of Florida…of home. And it’s fitting because a portion of every purchase of this candle goes to protect the Everglades National Park…one of my homes. 

The best candle for stress and anxiety

The best parts of Florida

Botanica Ranier Candle  

There’s a lot I love about this candle. Number one, it burns for a while. I can’t even remember how long this candle has lasted me in the shop. And number two, the scent of this candle takes me to summer in Colorado. There’s something about it that smells distinctly like the mountains, like meadows full of wildflowers, like lavender fields, like dewy moss. It’s a nice contrast from the usual tropical smells that fill my life. It takes me somewhere different, unexplored, and it helps me escape when I need a little break from everyday life.  

The best candles for anxiety

The mountains in the summer, laying in a field of flowers

P.F. Candle Co. Sandalwood Rose Candle 

Sandalwood has such a specific smell that I can pick it out almost immediately. It’s warm. It’s rich and a little earthy. It has floral tones, but they don’t overpower the mellower notes in the scent. Instead, they compliment it, creating a scent that is the embodiment of contentment, of peace, the feeling of reading at home on a rainy day, knowing that you have nothing you have to do for the rest of the day. I usually light this candle in the evening, when I’m winding down for the day. It helps me relax and enjoy my free time with my family. 

The best candles to help with stress

It’s rich, warm, and the perfect evening at home with your people


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