What Is Sound Therapy?
Imagine you’re driving home down US1 at rush hour after you’ve had a bad day. Traffic is at a standstill, and you’re assaulted by a cacophony of honks. The tension around you only adds to your already bad day. To drown out the noise of traffic and your mind repeating the events day, you turn on the radio. It’s your favorite song. You hum to yourself a bit, but then the chorus hits.

How To Make The Easiest Vegan Breakfast: Acai Bowls
When I first went vegan, I struggled to come up with breakfast ideas.And I know it’s the same for a lot of other people because whenever I tell people I’m vegan, I always get asked, “What do you eat for breakfast?”

The Best Vegan And Vegetarian Restaurants In Miami: Raw South
I’m so lucky to live in a place that prioritizes health, movement, and nutritious food. I know there aren’t many other places in the United States that provide as many vegan options as Miami does. And, I’m so grateful that being vegan here doesn’t limit me from going out to dinner with my family and friends.

DIY: Grow Your Own Food With Disco Planters
I don’t know what it is, but I love having plants in my home. There’s just something about having a little greenery around the house that makes me feel more relaxed. The routine of caring for them is therapeutic. And, it’s comforting to know that they’re constantly growing, even if you can’t tell.

Celebrating the End of Summer with Mango Sticky Rice
One of my favorite things about summer is mangos. Living in Miami, I’m lucky to have access to a variety of mangos. My in-laws have at least three different types of mango trees in their backyard. And from May to September, over fifteen different types of mangos fruit in Miami. In the early to mid-summer, the rich, juicy Keitt mango ripens, and toward the end of the summer, the more fibrous Beverly mango comes into season.

The Meaning of Home
Home holds a lot of different meanings for everyone. Home is a place you lay your head down at night. Home is four brick walls, a manicured lawn, and a white picket fence. Home is a feeling, a person, a sense of belonging. It’s everything.

Meadow's Guide to Healing Crystals
I’ll be the first person to admit that the idea of healing crystals seems a little “New Age” and too mystical to be true. I mean when I think of healing crystals, I think about candy-colored bowls of rose quartz, amethyst, and citrine. Aesthetic Pinterest accounts full of monochromatic gems.

How to Make Vegan Spring Rolls
Being plant-based, in theory, sounds nice and super easy. I mean you don’t have to cook meat, and vegetables don’t require much preparation at all. But aside from that, being plant-based can be hard. Because, yeah, while it is easy to chop up some vegetables and throw them in a bowl, it’s hard eating the same things every single day.

The Best Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants In Miami: Vegan Cuban Cuisine
Coming back from Costa Rica has really made me appreciate a lot about my life in Miami: my store, my family, paved roads for rollerskating, and really good vegan restaurants. Of course, I maintained my plant-based lifestyle in Costa Rica. And during my time in Costa Rica, I pretty much ate what I normally do here in Miami. But vegan food in Miami has one thing that it doesn’t in Costa Rica: variety.

Meadow’s Guide To Saging
If you’ve ever been to a farmer’s market or scrolled through the depths of Pinterest’s yoga community, I’m sure you’ve seen someone waving around a smoking bundle of burning flowers and sticks. And I’m sure you stopped and wondered, “What is that?” and “What are they doing?”

How to Make Your Own Roller Skates
A few weeks ago, I posted about my homemade skates on Instagram, and since then I’ve had a ton of people asking me how I made them. So, I’ve decided to do a blog about how I made my skates!

Reflections from Plastic-Free July
As you know, Plastic-Free July has finally come to end. And over the course of this last month, I did my best to completely eliminate plastic from my everyday life. I avoided buying packaged blueberries. Everywhere I went, I carried my own cutlery. I didn’t buy bread because of its plastic wrappings. And I even brought my own containers to restaurants in case I had leftovers.

How to Make Vegan Tacos
Upgrade your next taco Tuesday and try these vegan, plant-based tacos. Personally, I love tacos. They might be one of my favorite things to make because they’re so easy. You can make them as simple or complicated as you want.

How to Reduce Plastic Waste by Brushing Your Teeth
Just because Plastic Free July is coming to an end doesn’t mean that you can’t keep trying to reduce your plastic use. Remember, every year, the average American generates about 230 pounds of plastic waste. That’s 230 pounds for every single person in the United States in one calendar year.

How To Make Vegan Broccoli Cheese Soup
This next recipe is one of my favorites. I love to have this vegan broccoli cheese soup on rainy days or one of the few cold days we get in Miami every year. It’s the perfect comfort food, yet it’s still healthy and nutritious.

Plastic Free July
To celebrate sustainability and the environment, we are participating in Plastic Free July, a global movement that focuses on limiting single-use plastic and reducing the amount of plastic that we waste every single day. Imagine if you could see every single plastic water bottle you’ve ever thrown away. They would likely fill up your entire house, and that’s just plastic water bottles.

How to Make Oil-Free French Fries
Fries, after burgers and hotdogs, they’re the most American food I can think of. After a long day at the pool while you’re waiting patiently for your burger—hopefully plant-based ;)— at the barbeque, you can count on the fact that someone’s making fries in the kitchen to accompany the main dish. However, even though fries are simple and easy to make, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re healthy.

How to Make a Healthy Snickers
I’ve always had a sweet tooth. There’s just something about finishing a meal with a touch of sweetness that seems right. But like many of my other dessert-lovers out there, I know that having a sweet tooth can be a little dangerous, especially if you’re trying to drop a few pounds or just improve your health.

The Best Summer Outfits
Even though it’s already ninety degrees in Miami, today officially marks the start of summer. So, you know what that means? Pool parties. Garden parties. Weddings.

How to Make Vegan Sushi
It’s been a long day. You’re tired from work. You forgot to prep for dinner, and your family is hungry. You could just cop out and order takeout—no judgement, I’ve been there many times before, or you could try to make this simple, easy, and healthy vegan sushi.